Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Jason's Graduation

So I am not sure why Jason thought it was a good idea to join the Marines, he isn't so sure of that either.  The first letter I got from him from boot camp he said "I don't know what the heck I was thinking coming here, but the quickest way out is to graduate."  While those three months were very rough, we both learned so much and grew closer to the Lord.  It put a lot of things into perspective and made us appreciate our family that much more.  Here are some pictures of our reunited family at MCRD San Diego for Jason's graduation.  These are some pictures that I know our posterity will love, not only for sentimental reasons, but mostly because of Jason's BCG's (birth control glasses) that they made him wear. I LOVE those things hehe!  Ethan was so happy to see Jason, once he got his turn he wouldn't let go of him, it was so sweet. Who knew I would be the wife of a Marine?  Never in a million years did I think I would be, but now that I am I couldn't be prouder.

 (Graduation was actually a two day event, one day was family day and the next was the actual graduation, which is why I am wearing two different outfits, in case anyone even noticed)


The Whites said...

so glad you got a picture with the dorky glasses :) lol

Natalie said...

Being married to a marine is hot. But those glasses definitely aren't. Why do they make them wear them? I've seen them before and thought that the marine was just trying to be cool. I thought marines couldn't have bad eyes, anyway. So the glasses are even more perverse. Seriously though, remember when we went crazy over those sailors at Arlington Cemetery on Memorial Day? Now you have your very own Marine, much cooler than a sailor anyway. You rock.