Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Ethan Turned One....almost a year ago

So I still can't believe how fast my baby boy is growing! I don't know why as moms we think that our babies will be little forever. I think of my first day of college, how that seemed like just yesterday and yet it was back in 2002, 8 years ago. I know when Ethan turns 8 I am going to be like where the heck did time go, and I want it to pause just for a while so I can enjoy my little boy being little for just a while longer. I look back on these pictures and I feel like he turned from being a baby to a little boy overnight. I love watching him learn and grow and to see his fun personality come out stronger everyday, but oh how I miss him laying on my chest and rocking him to sleep. This must be why people have more than one kid. Yeah, I must not miss him being little that much yet! Enjoy the belated pictures! 


  •  Ethan's Birthday activities included a day at the LA Zoo, two days to celebrate, two cakes, lots of mess all over mama's clothes, and an Easter egg hunt with his cousings. 

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