Saturday, April 26, 2008

Little Debbie

I have been warned so many times about the scorpians here in Arizona, and I guess I just figured it wouldn't happen to me it was just a myth or something. Well I was wrong, Jason found a scorpian in our HOUSE climbing up the wall. I was terrified and had nightmares of scorpians all night. He put it in a little tupperware and its sitting in our kitchen for Jason to show off. He named it Little Debbie. He said he has only seen three in his lifetime in a house and one of them was in our house, and he thinks that is supposed to make me feel better. Obviously he was not as traumatized as I was. Here is a website for the Arizona Bark Scorpian :

Happy reading...lucky us :)! Christian and Addie, don't let that scare you from coming to AZ, I hear they are just as bad down in the Valley, but don't say I didn't warn you!

Here are pictures of Little Debbie


The Whites said...

Wow. And I thought our horrible spider problem here in Texas was bad. Scorpions are definitely worse in my book!

Anonymous said...

Ok... that is not cool. Like, at all. And whoever that person is who said spiders are worse than scorpions...

Kiersten said...

SICK. I'm pretty sure I would die.

aristacrina said...

Hey Katie, I'm glad I've never seen a live scorpian before. Have fun with that. Anyway, how are you? It's been such a long time. I'm glad you have a blog so that I can see what's going on with you. It looks like life is going well.