Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Vote for the best Pumpkin!

Jason and I hadn't carved pumpkins since we were really young so we decided it would be fun to do this year. Anyway so we turned it into a sort of vote which one you think is better. Mine is the Scooby Doo (which really looks like Tigger) pumpkin, and Jason's is the scary face one. Regardless of who wins...we had fun :)!!

Attempting to take a family picture with the dogs....I doubt kids will be much more cooperative!

Sedona and Slide Rock

Jason and Ihad a little getaway this last weekend and stayed in Flagstaff after our Doctor's appt. We went down to Sedona and Slide Rock and did a little sight seeing. It was absolutely gorgeous! It was so nice to get to just be in nature and relax! On Thursday we went to the Petrified Forest right by Holbrook becaues I had never been there, so you can see Holbrook has its own beauty to it, but you can definitely tell the difference between Holbrook and Sedona haha! Here are some pictures from the weekend!

Monday, October 27, 2008

St Patty's Day Baby

We're having a baby boy!!! Jason is convinced that its all the talking he did to my tummy that we are having a boy. He would say " Baby I know you are probably a girl but try really really hard to be a boy." It was really cute. We are both very excited, he will have lots of little boy cousins to wrestle with! The unltrasound experience was really exciting, once I was able to relieve my bladder though! We got there around 10:15 and weren't seen until 11:00 and that was only after Jason worked his magic and got us in there. About half way through the ultrasound the tech asked if I could be still and I said I'm so sorry I am trying my best I just really have to go to the bathroom, and she said well go then, I'm sorry! She ran the monitor over to my bladder and said, oh you need to go now! Haha, and then said she didn't know why they told me I had to drink so much water and hold it, that it wasn't necessary for how far along I was. Argh! All that stress for nothin! Oh well, but after that I was able to enjoy the experience a lot more. It still amazes me that I have a little baby growing in my stomach, what a miracle! They said that I measured about 3 days earlier than my previous due date, so I am due on March 17th, St. Patty's Day! We are hoping for a little red headed baby leprauchan!

Saturday, October 18, 2008


For those of you who have been wondering what we are having....we had to reschedule our appointment to next Friday because Jason couldnt get work off yesterday, and its one of those things that I didn't want him to miss since it will probably be our only unltrasound. Anyway, stay tuned until next week to see if we will have a little mini baby Jason or a little mini baby Katie :)!!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Sorry Addie, I stole these pictures from your blog! I wanted to show them off too :)! I went dowon to Casa Grande this last weekend to visit Christian and Addie and their cute kids and my parents were in for the weekend too so it was nice to get to spend the weekend with all of them and to relax and watch conference with them. Here are some fun pics...Julia is the cutest little girl ever and I wish I could take her home with me!! Enjoy!

For the old Roomies

The rest of you can ignore this post, it won't make any sense to you.
Natalie, Kiersten, and Katie this is my most recent sexy hair picture...thought you would enjoy :) haha! Its at the painted desert.

The 16 Almost 17 Week Belly

So Im really not showing all that much, I feel chubby more than anything, but Natalie wanted pictures so here you go just for you! We went to the doctor on Monday and everything was looking good and normal. I got to see the Midwife this time so that was good since hopefully she will be in there helping me along. She said I had perfect urine for those of you who wanted to know that, I told her my mom would be so proud haha! She even let Jason find the heartbeat which was very exciting for him. The night before he got out his stethescope from his medical kit and was trying to find the heartbeat with that, but I didn't think he would be able to this soon. He was very dissapointed that he couldn't so I was excited for him that they let him find the heartbeat at our appointment. More good news, we thought we would have to wait until 20 weeks to do the ultrasound to find out what we are having, but they want us to come in and do it at 18 weeks so our appointment is next Friday the 17th!! I can't believe it is so soon! I am stressing about having to drink 32 oz of water right before and having to hold it until they are done with me! For those of you who know me, you know how much of a challenge that would be if I wasn't pregnant, let alone with a pregnant bladder, so everyone pray that I won't have an accident on the hopsital floor while they are trying to do the untrasound!

Snorkeling Pictures

We finally got our snorkeling pictures developed from when we went to the Bahamas. That was probably the funnest part about the Bahamas, but unfortunately you couldn't tell how amazing it was in the pictures. I guess when you use a disposable camera it doesn't look quite like you are swimming in "Finding Nemo" which is how I felt when we were there. Anyway here are a few pics from our trip....we had fun at least :)!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Baby's Heartbeat

Just a quick update, Jason and I went to the doctor yesterday and got to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time, it was so exciting, it finally made knowing that I have a little baby growing in me much more real. The heart rate was around 166 so we have everyone assuming that we are having a girl because of the faster heart beat, but according to the doctor that's just a myth. I am finally starting to feel a little better, certain smells still make me sick and I still feel like I want to sleep all the time, but the nausea (which I had at night) has eased up quite a bit. I will put up a picture of me and my belly when I start to show.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

New Haircut

This is for my mom, sorry it took so long to put up pictures. Here is the new haircut, shorter than planned but its way easy to do and I like it. Thanks to Jason's brother's wife (also named Katie Searls) who did a great job on the cut!

Friday, August 1, 2008

The Handsome Cop

Jason's Grandmother took this picture months ago, but I just got a hold of it and love it so I thought I would share. This is my handsome Jason in his uniform in front of his patrol car (which by the way he is getting a new one yay!) and in front of our very red and green house (which we will only live in for 30 more days : ( ) Anyway...aren't I a lucky gal?

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Up in the Mountains

Jason and I went up to the mountains for a day and a half to go visit his brother Trevor and his wife rachel and their boys Dylan, Jacob and brand new baby Nathan. We had a blast up there, it is so beautiful and so peaceful, I was sad it was only for a day, but it was still nice to get away. Here are some pictures:

Riding on our Four Wheeler

On Turkey Hill...I love it up there

There was this really cool tree with windows and doors Dylan loved it
Me in the tree
Its hard to see us all in there but we fit

The gorgeous views

Monday, June 23, 2008

One year cake tradition

So I don't know how many of you saved the top of your cake and actually ate it for your first year anniversary. Well we saved ours and were in Florida for our anniversary so we ate it tonight. We weren't expecting it to actually be edible, but surprisingly it was really really good. I was amazed! We even thought we should celebrate with Charlie and Shady since they put up with us too! Its kind of funny we have yet to actually eat on our nice China, so we decided this would be the perfect occasion to try out our nice china, and Jason actually thought I should let the dogs eat their peice off of the China, I guess they just don't appreciate Crate and Barrel China as much as us women do! So don't worry the dogs got their own tacky plate to eat their cake from!

Honeymoon Finally!

Jason and I never got to go on a real honeymoon after we got married because of his police academy. We finally planned one for our first year anniversary and it was wonderful. We spent 3 nights in Ft. Lauderdale Florida in a hotel right on the beach, we took a two night cruise to the Bahamas, and then came back and spend two nights in Orlando. We had such a nice relaxing and enjoyable time together. Our favorite part was snorkeling in the Bahamas, we will have to put those pictures up later because we haven't developed our underwater camera yet. It was like swimming in Finding Nemo, it was amazing! It was just so nice to get to spend time together and to relax and fall in love all over again. It helped us to appreciate eachother more and we're so grateful for our relationship and that we will always be best friends. Here are a few pictures of our trip...and I'll post our underwater adventures once we get those pictures developed!

In the bahamas!

My handsome husband!

Private beach in the bahamas at the resort we went to.

On the cruise ship

On our way to snorkle

Big ship little ship, which one is ours?

View from our hotel room in Ft Lauderdale.

Jason likes to take pictures of dead things washed up on shore!