Monday, October 27, 2008

St Patty's Day Baby

We're having a baby boy!!! Jason is convinced that its all the talking he did to my tummy that we are having a boy. He would say " Baby I know you are probably a girl but try really really hard to be a boy." It was really cute. We are both very excited, he will have lots of little boy cousins to wrestle with! The unltrasound experience was really exciting, once I was able to relieve my bladder though! We got there around 10:15 and weren't seen until 11:00 and that was only after Jason worked his magic and got us in there. About half way through the ultrasound the tech asked if I could be still and I said I'm so sorry I am trying my best I just really have to go to the bathroom, and she said well go then, I'm sorry! She ran the monitor over to my bladder and said, oh you need to go now! Haha, and then said she didn't know why they told me I had to drink so much water and hold it, that it wasn't necessary for how far along I was. Argh! All that stress for nothin! Oh well, but after that I was able to enjoy the experience a lot more. It still amazes me that I have a little baby growing in my stomach, what a miracle! They said that I measured about 3 days earlier than my previous due date, so I am due on March 17th, St. Patty's Day! We are hoping for a little red headed baby leprauchan!


Julie Mack said...

Congratulations Katie!!! That's so wonderful :)

Sheena Searls said...

Congratulations!! That is so exciting! We are so happy for you both!

Tyler and Kacie said...

I am so excited for you!!!!! YAY!!! Keep us posted on all of your fun prego adventures. (girls who have kids love to hear about all this stuff!) Miss you Katie and I hope you are doing well.