Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Baby Update

Well I'm getting closer to my due date, and it couldn't come soon enough! My last doctors visit was Monday, I'm 80% effaced and not quite dilated to a 1. So basically I could have this baby any day...or in two weeks, who knows. Here is a pic of the belly at 9 months....hopefully the last picture you get before the baby comes! Wish us luck!!!

Im not exactly in the mood to be taking pictures of myself at this stage...sorry


The Whites said...

Katie you look so cute! I've been wondering what's happening with you and the pregnancy. Hope the end goes well for you. Cant wait to see the new baby!

Jennefer said...

I have been thinking about you and wondering....We are excited to get the news and are sooo excited to see your new little one! I know all is going to go well. We are praying for you. Remember to get a sure helps! Love you LOTS!

Gordon, Jamie, Evelyn, Claire and Bonnie said...

You are SOOO close! Good luck!