Tuesday, March 31, 2009

He's finally here!

Ethan Zander Searls arrived at 2:47 pm on March 26th...weighing 6 lbs 4 oz and 18 1/2 inches long. For those of you who don't want to hear the full story, you can skip this part and go for the pictures! We went in to the doctor on Tuesday and we decided to finally enduce since I was a week overdue and my blood pressure was getting to high. I went in to the hospital at 5:30 am but was having contractions all night long. I was still dilated to a 2 when we went in that morning, we went through 3 rounds of gels and 2 doses of some oral medication thats supposed to regulate contractions. By about midnight I had been having regular contractions for about 15 hours but still was only dilated to a 5 so they decided to break my water around 2 am. Within an hour I was dilated to a 6 with harder lasting all night. At 6 am I was exhausted and funally decided it was time to start the petosin (something I had wanted to avoid the whole time.) I also decided that after 24 hours of labor I needed to get some sleep if I was ever going to push out our baby so I gave in and had an epidural. Around 10 am that morning I had gotten a few hours of sleep but I still hadn't dilated any more, the doctor said the baby was coming out diagonal so that's why I wasnt dilating and said we were most likely going to have to do a c section. At that point I broke down and started to cry, the whole experience wass just emotionally exhausting and getting a c-section was the last thing I wanted. Jason called his uncle whoe lives in Flag and he came and they gave me a blessing. After that I decided that even though I had an epidural and couldn't feel anything I needed to do something to get our baby in position to I asked the nurses if I could try some yoga poses and they said it was fine as long as I could handle it. My mom and Jason helped lift me up and turn me on my hands and knees and I did some Yoga moves for about 45 minutes until I couldn't take it anymore. When the doctor came in an hour later she was ready to tell me they were going to take me in for a c section but checked to see if I had any progress at all, and was completely shocked that I was dilated to a ten and ready to start pushing. I pushed for about 30 minutes but the babys heart beat was dropping so we had to to and rest for about 20 minutes and try again or we were going to have to use the vacuum or go in for an emergency c section. After trying again and the babys heart beat still dropping too low she decided that we had to use the vacuum to get him out. About two pushed later we had Ethan and a hospital room filled with not a dry eye in the house. It was quite the ordeal to bring our little man into this world, but worth ever second of it. We are so grateful for our son, he is a precious gift from our Heavenly Father and it was such an honor to bring him into our arms and lives. We are all doing very well, trying to adjust to the demands of a new baby but still loving every minute of it! I am so overwhelmed with the love I have for my precious little boy and for my husband who was so sweet and amazing during the whole process, I would not have been able to go through any of it without him.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Baby Update

Well I'm getting closer to my due date, and it couldn't come soon enough! My last doctors visit was Monday, I'm 80% effaced and not quite dilated to a 1. So basically I could have this baby any day...or in two weeks, who knows. Here is a pic of the belly at 9 months....hopefully the last picture you get before the baby comes! Wish us luck!!!

Im not exactly in the mood to be taking pictures of myself at this stage...sorry

My Wonderful Husband

Just thought I would say a late Happy Bday to my husband, he turned 27 on Friday! He has been so sweet lately with me being so pregnant and large and cranky...he puts up with me well and finds time to do thoughtful things for me still. I never got to post about our Valentines Day but Jason made an amazing lasagna and set up a sweet romantic evening to mimick our first date. For those of you who know Jason, it was a BIG deal that he made lasagna that night...making dinner is too much "process" for him normally but he made a special effor that night and it was very sweet of him. He also has been so sweet and paints my toenails for me since I can no longer reach...he probably won't be happy with me that I announce that on this blog but I thought it deserved recognition. He is going to be such a great dad and I can't wait to see him and our son together!

Blowing out all 27 candles....and yes that is the nastiness next to him called pregnancy
Thankfully the mustache is gone now!!! He loves his dogs!

Making dinner

Our beautiful dinner set up (dont worry just apple cider)