Less than one week before Ethan turns one, he starts walking! We already can't keep up with him as it is! Our baby boy is getting big!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Going Private
Friday, January 29, 2010
You know when you haven't updated your blog in a while when...
You still have Turkeys as your background and it is now almost February. Oh that makes me laugh...sorry! Ethan is obsessed with playing with the laptop anytime it is around so I have to resort to computer time when he is sleeping, and by then I am ready to sleep too, so here are some updates over the last few months!
*We flew to California for Christmas; it was Ethan's first plane ride. I'm glad it was only about an hour flight because that's about the time that the novelty of looking out the window and jumping on Mommy and Daddy’s lap lasted. It was so nice to be home for Christmas, it was Jason's first Christmas in California and I haven't been there for Christmas since we've been married. Ethan got to meet new cousins, I got to meet a new niece and nephew, and Jason got to experience all of our Danish traditions on Christmas Eve. Ethan loved opening presents, he was so cute when he opened them, I think he was more interested in the paper then his actual presents thoug
*Ethan turned 10 months on January 26th and we still haven't taken him to his 9 month check up, every time we make an appointment it seems that there is a huge snowstorm so we can't get to Flag to get to the doc, but we have another appointment for next week, hopefully we won't be snowed in. I can't believe in just two short months he will be one year old!
*Ethan loves the camera, he is such a ham! He will be crying and if you put a camera in front of his face he will just strike a pose and smile. He has so much personality and energy at times he exhausts us, but his smiles and giggles make it all worth it!
*Baby food is no longer good enough for Ethan. He is such a beggar now, anytime Jason and I sit down to eat and aren't sitting at the table he crawls up on our lap and stands on us and reaches for our food, and whines if every bite is not for him. It makes us have to watch what we eat just that much more because we know that whatever is on our plate Ethan will want to claim dibs on.
*My new years resolution was to get Ethan to sleep through the night. I know that sounds like something that might be out of my control, but I was determined to do whatever I could to get this little guy to sleep. It's probably the only new year’s resolution I've made that I've actually kept!! I took different strategies from several different books and kind of made my own plan that worked for both Ethan and me. He is now sleeping through most nights, and if he wakes up all I have to do is give him his pacifier and he goes right back to sleep. This is a HUGE difference from before, Jason and I have our bed back, no more nursing 4-5 times in the night, its wonderful!
*Speaking of nursing, Ethan is now only on formula. We made it to ten months with me working, not getting any sleep, taking prescriptions to increase milk supply, and then he started biting and became uninterested in nursing during the day. I tried everything I could to stop the biting and get him to eat during the day and not just at night, but nothing was working. While I was sad to not make it to the full year, I think at this point both Ethan and me are better off for it. It’s like I am a new woman!
*Since I am no longer nursing I started the South Beach Diet, wish me luck! I am almost done with phase 1 and am feeling pretty good. When people tell you that gaining weight when you are nursing is pretty difficult....they lie haha. Now that I am getting more sleep I might actually have the energy to get in better workouts!
*Jason is trying to join the Air Force...long story, lots of reasons, we want out of this town and Jason wants his degree, anyway, if he does get in he has to be in before he turns 28, which means he could possibly be gone within the month. If he does I will be moving home with my parents in California while he is in training, and I'll finally get to stay home with Ethan. I will try to be better about blogging, I know I'm a slacker!
Here are more pics of our cute EZ, most of which were taken my his grandparents during bath time!