Friday, May 30, 2008


Since I haven't really posted anything in a while (since nothing too new is really going on) I thought I would post a gratitiude post. I apologize in advance if this blog is a little indulgent. I was in a car accident this last weekend on my way down to Casa Grande to visit Christian and Addie who had just moved to AZ. My parents were coming in so I was very excited to see my family! Jason unfortunately had to work so I went down by myself. Just outside of Payson there was a rollover accident that happened right in front of me, I was able to stop in enough time to avoid not hitting the already damaged scene, but the car behind me didn't stop in enough time to avoid me. Luckily he was able to miss the back of my car but he ran into the side of my car and blew out the tire. It really could have been a lot worse than it really was, we both could have gone rolling down the mountain along with 10 other cars that were trying to get around that corner as well. While it was very frustrating and stressful to be in an accident, I am very grateful to my Heavenly Father for being there always in my life. He never leaves me alone. There were several things that He blessed me with that day to remind me of His love and existence in my life. First, i have no idea how to change a tire, I never have before! The man who ran into me offered to change my tire no questions asked just asked me where the spare was and changed it for me. The officer on scene noticed that I didn't have current tags (we were a few weeks past due since its like $300 to renew our registrations!) and decided not to give me a ticket. I would not have been able to drive all the way down to the valley on a spare tire and it was a Friday evening with no luck of a tire shop open or with the necessary rims that could fix the car that we could afford. So Jason called into work on a very busy and crazy night to come rescue me, his parents drove him and left as soon as they heard the news. My mom knew something was up (Mom's always have that feeling) and called about 5 minutes after the accident had happened when I needed a little supporting voice to know it was going to be ok. Jason drove me all the way down to Mesa and then all the way back up to Holbrook so that he could be at work that night by midnight and his parents drove our car home just so that I wouldn't miss spending time with my family. Then my parents drove hours out of their way to take me back up to Flagstaff where Jason's parents came and picked me up on Monday. Jason's grandpa even offered to drive all the way out there to tow the truck home if necessary. I really am so blessed to have a family that is so willing to be there for me, without question or complaint, to have a husband who knows how much I miss my family so drives me all the way to Mesa on very little sleep. I know the Lord was watching out for me, and continues to watch out for me. It is just a reminder to me that just when you think you might be alone and start to be pessimistic, we never really are alone. I am so grateful for His daily guidance and protection in my life. (My lifesavers, Dad you're included in there too I just couldnt find a picture :) )

Heidi and Travis - Contemporary (Calling You)

Can I just say how excited I am that So you think you Can Dance is back!! When I think of summer I think of BBQ's, the beach, watermelon, and most importantly So You Think You Can Dance!! This is just in remembrance of my favorite dance ever on there...Heidi and Travis did this amazing routine choreographed by Mia Michaels in season 2 and it has always been my favorite...oh if only I could dance like that!